Selasa, 21 September 2010

Is It Difficult To Obtain Permanent Hair Removal?

With the many different hair removal systems on the market, few of them offer a permanent solution to unwanted hair. Some of the more expensive treatments such as laser hair removal and electrolysis may comes closest to a permanent solution, but the treatments are not cheap and there is no guarantee that some of the hair will not grow back.

Removing only the hair leaves the follicle in place and it will quickly replace the hair with a new one. Removing the follicle can be painful and there is no promise that another hair follicle will not assume the duties and produce another hair. With electrolysis and laser hair removal systems, the hair follicle is burned with the use of electricity or the laser energy, which is also painful and can sometimes cause burns to the skin surrounding the follicle.

There are new hair removal systems entering the market that use radio frequency to kill the individual hairs as well as damage the follicle to prevent re-growth. The makers of these hair removal systems claim no pain and a 60 percent success rate after the first in-home treatment. Sound waves are sent through the hair by a tweezers-like device for individual hairs and for larger patches of unwanted hair, a patch is used to kill the hair without pulling it out by the roots.

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